Monday, October 28, 2019

The Scavenger hunt experience

During the scavenger hunt, we were required to bring a source of internet, either an laptop or phone, and we were given the chance to search different things from the internet in about the give amount. This was a fun activity because it allowed us to communicate and somewhat have fun while also being able to learn. there were a lot of fun, learning and bad experiences. some of the fun experiences includes being put into a group and given an x amount of time to try and finish the activity before the other teams would finish. Getting the opportunity to communicate with other classmates helped with achieve the goal.  Being able to use electronics for learning purposes was a great use of the class time. The learning experiences i learned from activity included ways to search for need subjects or things and learning when to communicate with group members when needed because this activity was not an individual task, we needed to work as a team to accomplish the majority of the work provided. being able to transfer information from one doc to another made it easy to share with team members. There weren't really any bad experiences with this activity because it was challenging engaging and kept me on my toes most of the time. Overall, this was a great way to learn how to navigate through the internet and very competitive scavenger hunt between the different groups put together and l would definitely want the same experience again. 

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