Monday, October 28, 2019

The Scavenger hunt experience

During the scavenger hunt, we were required to bring a source of internet, either an laptop or phone, and we were given the chance to search different things from the internet in about the give amount. This was a fun activity because it allowed us to communicate and somewhat have fun while also being able to learn. there were a lot of fun, learning and bad experiences. some of the fun experiences includes being put into a group and given an x amount of time to try and finish the activity before the other teams would finish. Getting the opportunity to communicate with other classmates helped with achieve the goal.  Being able to use electronics for learning purposes was a great use of the class time. The learning experiences i learned from activity included ways to search for need subjects or things and learning when to communicate with group members when needed because this activity was not an individual task, we needed to work as a team to accomplish the majority of the work provided. being able to transfer information from one doc to another made it easy to share with team members. There weren't really any bad experiences with this activity because it was challenging engaging and kept me on my toes most of the time. Overall, this was a great way to learn how to navigate through the internet and very competitive scavenger hunt between the different groups put together and l would definitely want the same experience again. 

Monday, October 21, 2019

Thoughts on the in class activity.

This activity included creating or learning how to create a blog post. There was a lot of difficulty understanding the basics. But when I thought I got a bit of it, I became even more confused then and decided to watch YouTube videos to gain a bit more concept. I found a lot of complicated videos with vocabulary I couldn’t put to words. After watching about an hour of how to create an html, I decided to give it a try. My first attempt did not go as planned. I revisited YouTube again and tried the second time. I gained quite a bit from this activity. I give props to the people that make html documents because it  was a challenge. I didn’t completely learn how to create an html page but with more and more practice, I think I will most definitely be able to make a document without thinking. I think I will most definitely benefit a lot from it. Some of the major struggles I had were understanding the way this format can be interpreted into an actual page. At the beginning, I struggle so hard that I reached to the point of leaving the assignment for a while then came back to try and approach it one more time. I am still stuck on some areas but still trying to make sense of it. I am grateful that the professor provided this activity cause it wasn’t the easiest but it also wasn’t the hardest. It was challenging enough to keep me interested in completing it

Monday, October 14, 2019

Differences and similarities between mail and email.

The similarities between mail and email include, the mailbox; mail is physically dropped into a mailbox while email has an electronic mailbox where all mail is stored, to and from the domain. The post office; this where the mail sent is dropped off in order to be sent to other recipients both electronically and physically. The address; this is where the mail or email has to be sent. Every person has to have or know the email/mail address they are sending to.
The differences between email and email include, Viruses; physically sent mail would have no viruses sent or received, while email has a lot of viruses sent each and every second of the day. The exact address; for mail  you don’t have to know the exact address, the mail would make it but for an email knowing the exact address is among first steps to start and email, without it, your unable to send the needed email. The speed; sending an email is much more convenient due to how long it takes to get to recipient. The strengths: between email and mail, there is a difference between how much is spent on each. In mail, there is always a fee that includes buying the envelops etc. but with email, no one has to worry about a fee at all because any type of email is free regard less of the different types of email and amount one person can have.
Some of the barriers to people adopting to email include the efficiency and effective of emails to certain occasions and or people.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

What I want to gain from my class

The most important thing I want to gain from this class is to improve my knowledge more about technology and improve my listening and communication skills. Gaining these will help me better understand how and why the world is becoming technology advanced really fast right under our noses. In the future, am hoping my dream job to be in loved with something that has to do with improving and creating new technology for a better and fast moving new inventions created each day. Ideas help us come up with more innovating ideas that could be used to for more new up coming technology.