Monday, November 4, 2019

summary of the epic 2015

 The Epic 2015 recaps the events that took place in the year 2015. 1989: this is the year that Sir Tim Berners-Lee invents the world wide web. The world wide web was originally created to and developed to meet the demand of sharing information between institutions, military and universities. During the year of 1999, Pyra Labs, a dot-com start up introduces Blogger, a site used for personal publishing. At the beginning of this introduction, people where far more spectacle of new technology but when they saw the benefits this new invention promised, News organizations become an afterthought when people are able to journal, buy, sell and interact with family and friends on the internet. Google was found to be the most effective search engine because its algorithm recommended sites or sales to people. newspapers became less and less appealing while the internet provided all the resources for anyone to become a journalist. Now days people are able to change information on websites such as Wikipedia and people will always end up with misleading information which has become a problem in our society. In the long run, we can see to why society back then was hesitant to accepting this new technology era in their personal lives. There is as much privacy as we want to think we have. Everything from what types of stuff we search to who your third cousin is. Is available on online and we as a society have accepted that. The more technology is introduced, the more privacy is lost.